Music Ministries
"O come, let us sing to the LORD; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!
Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!"
- Psalm 95:1-2

Music can be found throughout the Bible as a method of praise and thanksgiving unto God, both on earth and in heaven. It is no wonder that music has held an important role in worship over the ages. At Christiania, there are many musical opportunities that provide meaningful contributions to our worship services. No matter your age, no matter your musical experience, we have ensembles that you will feel comfortable participating in. If you feel called to be involved musically beyond congregational songs, please reach out to Dr. Matt, he will love hearing from you.
Chancel Choir
Traditional three-to-four-part choir that usually sings one Sunday per month during the program year. Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays from 5:00-6:00 pm. Open to everyone 10th grade and up. Reading music is not required! If you cannot make every rehearsal, you can still participate. Please check with Dr. Matt for options.
Chorister Choir
Sunday School youth (Kindergarten-5th grade) sing once per month during the program year and rehearse during Sunday School.
Youth Bell Choir
Confirmation age students (6th-9th grade) rehearse for 30 minutes on Wednesdays before Confirmation and play once per month during the program year. Participation in Confirmation is not required, neither is reading music! A special music notation is used that makes it accessible for all experience levels.
Adult Bell Choir
Anyone 10th grade and beyond is welcome to join! Adult Bells rehearse on Wednesdays and play once per month during the program year. A special music notation is used that makes it accessible for all experience levels, so you can jump in at anytime during the year!
Nitty Gritty Church Band
A more “contemporary” Worship Band that plays service music every other week. From traditional hymns, to Gospel, to the most contemporary tunes on the radio, we play it all! Rehearsals are held on Wednesdays from 5:00-6:00 pm every other week (alternating with Chancel Choir). The band is open to any age and welcomes vocalists and a variety of instruments (guitar, bass, accordion, keyboards, percussion, etc.).
Liturgical Wind Ensemble
Instrumental ensemble that welcomes all wind AND string instruments. The ensemble typically plays for special services like Easter and Christmas Eve, but can play more often depending on interest. Rehearsals are communicated through Carol Metz, the director.
Individuals can help lead the congregation in hymns and songs when the band is not playing (every other Sunday). Dr. Matt will provide all music in advance and can meet individually if desired. Two or three people can even sing together if it would be more comfortable.
Soloists and small ensembles are welcome to sing/play at nearly any service with advance notice. Please contact Dr. Matt if you are interested.