The Windows of Christiania
Created by Lucky Rimpila and
Dedicated to the Glory of God
June 15, 2003
Pulpit Side
The Holy Trinity
God the Father, Creator
The First Person of the Trinity is represented by the Hand
of God, extended in blessing. The Creator’s relationship
with the creation is fatherly, providing physical needs as
well as spiritual. The right hand of God (Dextra Domini)
blesses with three extended fingers suggesting the unity
of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The blue sphere
represents our earthly home.
God the Son, Jesus Christ
The Second Person of the Trinity is represented by the
Latin Cross, remembering His suffering and death for
the forgiveness of our sins. The empty cross remembers
that Christ is risen and living. The gold crown reminds
us that Christ is the King of Kings, but also that eternal
life is promised to All who believe and trust in Him.
God the Holy Spirit
The Third Person of the Trinity is represented by a
descending dove. As the Spirit descended upon Jesus
at His baptism, so did the Holy Spirit come upon the
disciples at Pentecost, empowering the Church to “go
and make disciples of all nations…” By the Holy
Spirit, we are given faith, strength to do what God
commands, and peace. Again, the blue sphere represents
our earthly home under the peaceful dove.
Lectern Side
The Means of Grace, by which God’s Love and
Forgiveness reach us
The Word of God, the Holy Bible
“God’s Word is our great heritage,” revealing God to us,
and is the source of divine authority over our lives. The
inspired Word of God contains the history of God’s
people, the Law and the Prophets, the Psalms, and also
the Gospels of Jesus Christ and the New Testament story.
God speaks to us through the books of the Bible and
inspires us to be faithful witnesses too.
The Sacrament of Holy Baptism
This window depicting a shell and drops of water reminds
us of how we were washed of sin and claimed to be
God’s child. As Jesus was baptized by John to identify
with us, we are baptized by God to be identified with
Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection. His innocence became
our innocence through forgiveness, and by the Sacrament
we became members of the ‘body of Christ,’ the Church.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion
This window depicting the Bread and Chalice reminds us
of the body and blood of Christ, given and shed for us
for the forgiveness of sin. With ordinary elements made
from wheat and the fruit of the vine, God gives us the
extraordinary privilege of communion with Divinity.
Also called the “Lord’s Supper,” Jesus commanded His
followers to “do this in remembrance” of Him.